Arts and crafts:
Tonight, Emily went to Michael’s and bought velvet cobra posters for Tony and me to color. I colored mine to be a firebelly snake, which I totally just made up, and I named him Omar. Omar is a fighter, not a lover, and he’s even more of a biter than he is a fighter. Omar is way into the Nuge. Especially “Stranglehold.” Tony’s snake was named Judah, like Judah Bauer from John Spencer Blues Explosion, and he had red scales and a camouflage underbelly. It was awesome, and by awesome, of course I mean totally sweet.
In other news, I just purchased the most kick-ass purse ever from Queen Bee. (I chose the red mermaid loteria truckette.) You should definitely go check out all the other cool things she makes, like wallets and hats and guitar straps. I bet she’d get a kick out of Omar. If he didn’t bite her first. Which—let’s be honest—he probably would.