Other Sarah Browns of Note:
Stealing directly from my old page, here are links to some other Sarah Browns. Judging from these, I would go so far as to say that I am more attractive than 87% of all Sarah Browns. (Except for the dead one, and the YWCA in Memphis.)
- This Sarah Brown is a mediocre soap opera actress. But wait—that’s redundant.
- This Sarah Brown is by far the coolest.
- This Sarah Brown is a dork.
- I wish I was this Sarah Brown.
- Or this one.
- This Sarah Brown is dead.
- This Sarah Brown is a grandma cop!
- This Sarah Brown does not want teenagers to have sex.
- This Sarah Brown has an album on Blind Pig records.
- This Sarah Brown is really more of a building than a person.
- About a year ago, this Sarah Brown’s link was right after mine in Google’s search for “Sarah Brown.” I was 162 (out of 588,000). Now I’m #10. 10! That’s Ivy League, baby.