Que Sera Sera

New music

While I was in Chicago last week, my friend Tony and I spent some time comparing the music we’ve been listening to lately. He’d put a song by the Portland band Menomena on the last mix he made for me, and I told him I liked it, so he showed me three awesome videos, one filmed in a Paris alley, one filmed in an elementary school cafeteria, and the other filmed in insect hell. Check them out. The first two will make you happy and the third will sort of blow your mind.

Menomena, “Wet and Rusting”

Menomena, “Rotten Hell”

Menomena, “Evil Bee”

Another band Tony introduced me to was Beirut. La Blogotheque has a great Take-Away Show of theirs that you should watch, if you enjoy watching things.

Beirut, “Nantes”

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