Que Sera Sera


My cousin lives in Tampa with his wife. His wife is a nurse, so sometimes she works the night shift, and my cousin works during the day. While driving home from work on Saturday at 8 am, she was hit by a drunk driver and killed instantly. Since my cousin had already left for work, he didn’t find out about it until early the next morning when someone from his church saw the story in the Tampa Tribune and called to offer condolences. My cousin and his wife had just recently moved houses, so I guess the police couldn’t track him down immediately, and apparently the story just went ahead to the newspaper, where they used her name. This is so sickening for so many reasons that I can’t even fathom it. And the weird part is that I know I should be angry at the drunk driver, but instead for some reason I am seething with rage for the Tampa Tribune for running this story using her full name, regardless of the fact that her family hadn't been notified. I hate them doubly because when my dad emailed me the link to the story, the message at the bottom of the email encouraged me to check out “more great articles at tampatrib.com!”

She was one of the sweetest and most kind-hearted people I’ve ever met. I don’t know what else to say.

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