Archery on Tuesdays, or, The Brothers Newman
I am not in the practice of posting things to my website while drunk, but it seems I’m making an exception, because right now I am as drunk as one can be on a Tuesday night, which, actually, is pretty drunk. Anyway, here are three things I felt vital enough to share with the interweb that I postponed my collapse onto my beddish area:
1) Joshua Newman always introduces me to great people, and gives me great books to read, and never lets me get too maudlin, and even sits with me for 45 minutes after everyone else has left and makes me tell him the story of how my parents met until I am sober enough to walk down the stairs and get on the train.
2) David Newman mixes an excellent rum and coke, and I’m not even a FAN of rum and cokes. I wish I could call them by their more fun name, cuba libres, but I am not one for affectation, or superfluous use of italics.
3) I am so terribly happy with where I am and what I’m doing, and that’s a pretty good thought to collapse with on a rainy Tuesday night.