Things That Have Made Me Happy As Of Late
Spring ’04 Edition
This old man who followed me on the street yesterday shouting “Oooh baby GIRL! I got MAD LOVE for you! I want you to be the BARBECUE SAUCE on my RIBS, the COLLARD GREENS on my NECKBONE!” and I was laughing so hard I couldn’t even pretend like I was ignoring him, and then he saw that I was laughing so he started laughing and shouting it even louder.
Chris Noth from Sex and the City and Law and Order sitting next to me at lunch yesterday, and he somehow managed to pull off the whole jeans/loafers/navy blazer thing without looking like an asshole.
My new skull and crossbones slip-on Vans.
Popsicles for dinner.
When Emily and Tony were in town visiting this weekend, and at one point I expressed to Emily my fear of dying alone and wild dogs picking at my bones, and she assured me she’d come click some sticks at the dogs to make them disperse. I hope you have a friend who will keep the wild dogs from picking at your bones, internet.
Front row center seats for Wicked on Saturday night, and after the show, the leads came out and led a live auction for a photo Joel Grey had taken, and then Joel Grey started performing numbers from Cabaret to sweeten the bidding. This would have been a lot cooler if, when Joel Grey walked onstage and everyone started clapping, Tony and I hadn’t whispered to each other, “Who’s that?” because we thought maybe it was Sloane from Alias. We’re just not musical people, apparently.
My dad sending me a Happy Arbor Day e-card at 3 in the morning, saying it’s his favorite “second tier holiday” because “the trees are always there for you.” I’m concerned that perhaps he took 4/20 a little too much to heart, and that my parents are sitting around watching Cheech and Chong movies and eating Cheetos for dinner, having redecorated their empty nest with doorway beads and pewter wizards and dragons.
Larry at Sharps. I emailed him, despondent from losing my favorite astronaut pin when I realized at the end of a date that it had fallen off my bag strap at some point in the evening, and not only did he respond immediately, he sent me two new pins free, along with a note wishing me luck and summer lovin’. Were I a guy, I would have to use only Sharps products now for the rest of my life. Since I’m a girl, I’ll have to be content with my new old pin and my cool Sharps lighter/bottle opener combo. MVP, Larry. MVP.