Twenty Questions with S and K, ages 10 and 9:
Me: Okay, it’s a person. Go.
K: Is it a girl?
Me: No.
S: Is it a boy?
K: S! She already said that.
S: Okay, is it Freddie Prinze Jr.?
Me: No.
K: Is he old?
Me: Define old.
S: Is he more than 20?
Me: Yes.
K: Is he white, or black?
S: It has to be a yes or no question, like, is he or is he not white?
Me: He’s white.
K: Is he famous?
Me: Yes.
S: Is he a basketball player?
Me: No.
S: Is he Michael Jordan?
Me: Um, no.
K: Is he like an actor or an artist or a singer or an inventor or something?
Me: That’s a lot of questions. Narrow it down a little.
K: Okay… is he a comedian?
S: She already said he’s not black, K.
Me: Comedians don’t have to be black, you guys.
S: Right, like Jim Carrey.
Me: Maybe you should phrase your questions a little more specifically.
K: Okay… does this person use something that isn’t part of his body?
Me: I… what?
S: Are you sure it isn’t Freddie Prinze Jr.?