It’s a list-y kind of week:
Sorry, but you know I’m just going to link to my No Shirt Cousins post again tomorrow. A girl needs a holiday, yo. In the meantime, here are some things I am thankful for. Some things for which I am thankful. Whatev.
- My dad sends me emails about limericks in the form of a limerick
- My rocketcar. Wait.
- Lane’s adorable new indie rock boyfriend on Gilmore Girls
- My daydreams about my all-girl band where we cover Van Halen’s “Hot for Teacher” and have fabulous haircuts and tour bus pillow fights and break hearts all across the U.S.A.
- Dude, this crazy old British lady who just called at work!
- Bedtime stories
- The white scarf with the red felt “b” on it that Laura gave me for Christmas last year
- The eternal promise of Rice Krispie treats
- The Sound of Music. Please don’t tell, but it makes me cry every single time.
- When Tony does his impression of Cambot saying “I saw the Banger Sisters.”
- You’re just going to have to trust me on that last one, but it is fucking hilarious.
- Also, I’d totally be thankful for these things if I had them.