- Sometimes at work, my boss will ask me to “get the ranker for 18-34,” and while I know what that means, every single time the first thing that springs to mind is the Rancor. Which is very different from the ranker.
- I saw Matrix Reloaded, and I like how in every movie that has a mob fight scene with weapons, there’s always Crazy Nunchucks Guy. He’s always the craziest, which is evident from his Fu Manchu or his mohawk or the fire in his eyes. Also, I’m pretty sure that if my brother were in a fight scene, he’d be Crazy Nunchucks Guy. He’s going to his senior prom tonight. Maybe he can be Crazy Nunchucks Guy in Patent Shoes there, should a mass fight break out.
- I can’t think of names for my new baby birds! I need to hurry and name them before they grow up and leave and I get all wet-eyed. I will totally get wet-eyed, too. I love them.
- I’m pretty sure that yesterday was one of The Best Days Ever.
- I know at least two secrets that when I think about them, I have to go in another room and jump up and down and make dolphin noises. As Roxy would say, asdfjkljsakfj!
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