Various reasons I have decided, willy-nilly, to set my cap for boys in the past:
- had big feet
- had Pavement sticker on his car
- really hot way he pronounced “humanists” *
- could whistle the entire whistling part of “Patience”
- was a scientist
- had blue eyebrows
- knew all the words to George Michael’s “Freedom” **
- got suspended for standing up on desk and shouting, “I am the Lizard King! I can do anything! Raise your hand if you understand! How many of you people know you’re really alive?” while a nun tried to pull him to the floor
- drove demolition derby cars
- seemed like a complete and total asshole who didn’t notice me ***
- had British teeth
- smelled like ex-boyfriend
* was married college professor
** was gay
*** was complete and total asshole who never noticed me