The uniformed may ask:
Tonight, while sitting on the couch eating pizza with Erin and Brian and watching The Cutting Edge on WE, we played one of my new favorite games, something I like to call “What’s D.B. Sweeney Doing Right Now?”
- just waking up, bathed in sweat
- yardwork
- bong hits
- picking at an ingrown hair
- taking an online continuing education course at the University of Phoenix
- applying lotion
- trying to sell a signed script on eBay
- sampling the first batch of home-brewed beer that he made in his basement with a microbrewery he bought out of a catalog last winter
- waiting for a tow truck
- buying Pampers
- updating
- stretching
- tenderly watching a hooker sleep
- still blaming everything on Brian
- whipping up some of his famous D.B. Sweeney 5-Alarm Chili (Erin says, “The secret ingredient is a Hershey bar!”)
- checking his profile on Friendster
- discovering tasty leftovers hidden behind the 2 liter of Diet Coke
- burying his head in his hands
- playing Vice City and ignoring his wife’s repeated calls from the other room
- reading Dynasty fan fic
- eating pizza and watching The Cutting Edge on WE
- sobbing
Feel free to play along at home!